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How Little We Know: una canción hayekiana

He compuesto una canción muy simple con temática hayekiana. El título está plagiado de un artículo de Russ Roberts. A falta de otra alternativa mejor, la he colgado en MediaFire, y se puede escuchar aquí. Espero que se oiga y entienda bien. La letra no ha sido revisada por ningún nativo (ni tampoco ningún no-nativo), así que puede tener errores…

The world is so ample                   /              Society so complex

Our knowledge is limited            /              Information is imperfect

Sometimes we are in the dark  /              But we think we see the light

It’s hard to be humble                  /              In a world that lacks humility

There are millions of people      /              each with their own knowledge

But there is a few that                  /              Try to control’em all

They pretend to know it all        /              and have all the answers

But the truth is the don’t            /              they’ll make things worse

How little we know                        /              Of what we think we do

How little they know                     /              But they act as if they knew

It’s the fatal conceit                       /              Politicians suffer from it

They will give you the answer   /              For every social problem

If there is a downturn                   /              Public spending is needed

If there is poverty                           /              Foreign aid will be required

If education doesn’t work          /              It’s due to lack of money


Haven’t you ever thought          /              that the problem may be YOU

How little we know                        /              Of what we think we do

How little they know                     /              But they act as if they knew

It’s the fatal conceit                       /              Politicians suffer from it

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