
Procesos de aprendizaje

Los cinco pasos para escribir con éxito

Secuela de mi anterior post Consejos para leer y escribir mejor. Las siguientes ideas y citas las tomo de The Business Writer’s Handbook. Además de que es útil para mí, puesto que es una forma de tenerlo escrito para consultarlo cuando quiera, espero que también aporte algo a los lectores que se enfrentan a la tarea de escribir.

Succesful writing is not the product of inspiration, nor ir it merely the spoken word transferred to paper. Rather, it is primarily the result of knowing how to structure ideas on paper.

¿Cuál es el consejo del libro? Seguir estos cinco pasos:

1. Preparación

Consiste en: a) establecer el objetivo, b) identificar el lector potencial, y c) determinar el alcance de tu escrito

2. Investigación

Obvio lo que significa.

3. Organización

Without organization, the material gathered during your research would be incomprehensible to your reader. Thus you must determine the best sequence in which your ideas should be presented -that is, you must choose a method of development (an appropriate method of development is the writer’s tool for keeping things under control and the reader’s means of following the writer’s presentation.

En esta parte es conveniente hacer un boceto, tomar notas:

Outlining makes large or complez subjects easier for you to organize, by breaking them into manageable parts, and it ensures that your finished writing will move logically from idea to idea without omitting anything important.

4. Escribir el borrador

When you have established your objective, reader’s needs, and scope and have completed your research and your outline, you will be well prepared to write your first draft. To do so, simply expand the notes from your outline into paragraphs, without worrying about grammar, refinements of language, or such mechanical aspects of writing as spelling. Refinements will come with revision…. There is no need in the rough draft to be concerned about an introduction or transition unless they come quickly and easily -concentrate instead on ideas.

5. Revisión

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